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This is what the largest container terminal in Ireland on your doorstep will look like - ACT NOW - before it's too late!


It'll be15 acres - size of Sean Moore Park - and equivalent in height to a four storey building.

Artist's impression: Source SAMRA

SAMRA is opposed to Dublin Port Company’s (DPC) plan to build Ireland’s Iargest container terminal on on the unique Poolbeg Peninsula.

Why?  This terminal will add visual, noise, light and diesel exhaust pollution from heavy trucks picking up huge volumes of containers  24/7 - every day.

  • It will disturb your sleep and health.

  • It will be huge – at almost 15 acres. 

  • It will overshadow and be larger than the Nature Reserve itself.

  • It will be as tall as a 4-storey building and will stretch across the front of our UNESCO Bay in Sandymount.


SAMRA has been campaigning on your behalf  since 2021 - it now needs your support.



Sign the petition HERE

©2023 by SAMRA. 

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