Here's what YOU can do
Sign the petition HERE
Join us SAMRA: Join the Sandymount and Merrion Residents Association (SAMRA). Join the campaign @ SAMRA.ie
Scan QR code to join SAMRA’s WhatsApp group for updates
Offer to help: contact us at samracommittee@gmail.com
Come to the public meeting on 13th November 2023 at The Sandymount Hotel at 7.30 pm
Tell friends, family, and colleagues about the huge impact this terminal will have.
Tag SAMRA on facebook and Twitter
Contact ALL of your Local Representatives
General Election Soon- Make this a top issue.
Your voice will make a difference.
Local voices do have an impact!
Minister Eamon Ryan TD (Green Party) eamon.ryan@oireachtas.ie
Deputy Ivana Bacik TD (Labour) ivana.bacik@oireachtas.ie
Deputy Chris Andrews TD (Sinn Fein) chris.andrews@oireachtas.ie
Deputy Jim O’Callaghan (Fianna Fail) jim.ocallaghan@oireachtas.ie
Cllr. Hazel Chu (Green Party) hazel.chu@dublincity.ie
Cllr. James Geoghegan (Fine Gael) james.geoghegan@dublincity.ie
Cllr. Dermot Lacey (Labour) Dermot.Lacey@labour.ie
Cllr. Paddy McCartan (Fine Gael) patmccartan@gmail.com
Cllr. Claire O’Connor, Deputy Lord Mayor (Fianna Fail) Claire.Oconnor@dublincity.ie
Dear Minister / Deputy / TD / Councillor
I am strongly opposed to the Dublin Port Company’s plan to build Ireland’s largest container terminal on the Poolbeg peninsula. It will be a blight on our capital city and bay. The land should be used for the benefit of the community. As my Elected Representative I am asking you to use your best efforts to stop this development. This as one of the highest priority local campaigning issues for our community.
Yours sincerely,
Your name
Find out more
75% traffic increase - READ MORE
Save the ecosystem - READ MORE
Irish Rail opposed - READ MORE
Port's boss opposed - READ MORE
Widespread opposition - READ MORE